Blakelaw Library

Blakelaw Library

We are sorry that Blakelaw Library is currently unavailable - see below for alternatives.

Opening hours


Watch this space!

We can provide a book reservation and collection service using Newcastle Libraries | Discover for Blakelaw residents - your reserved books can be collected at a branch of your choice.  Just log in with your Library Card number and PIN. Alternatively, please use our Home Delivery Service whilst your local library is unavailable.  If you are not already a library member, please join the library to access these services.  You can email or phone us on 0191 278 7878 for any queries you have.

Contact us


You can also find us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram or have fun with us on TikTok!

Did you know?

You can borrow books, audiobooks, board games and DVDs for free. 

To find books, stories and research materials you can:

  • Browse our online catalogue to find items to borrow.
  • Explore BorrowBox to download eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines and eNewspapers.
  • You can read eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines and newspapers for free on your device, wherever you are. 

If you would like to give us feedback about our libraries, you can do so by completing this short online form.

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