Local List of buildings of Local Architectural or Historic Interest

Local List of buildings of Local Architectural or Historic Interest

What is the Local List?

This is a list of buildings, structures, parks and gardens (including cemeteries and open spaces) that have special local architectural or historic interest which are an important part of your local heritage. They are different from Listed Buildings  and Registered Parks and Gardens , such as the Theatre Royal or Leazes Park, which are recognised as being of national importance. Buildings and parks on the Local List may not be as important as those on the national list, but they are special to Newcastle.

Entries on the Local List were assessed using similar criteria to those used for Listed Buildings and Registered Parks and Gardens but from a local perspective.

Why do it? What does being on the List mean?

Unlike Listed Buildings or Registered Parks and Gardens, being included on the Local List does not provide any additional planning controls. However, it does recognise their importance and before any planning decisions are made their special local architectural or historic interest will be taken into account.

Locally Listed Buildings in Newcastle

If a site is Locally Listed it will also be flagged as a restriction on Newcastle City Council's 'Public Access for Planning' portal. If you are uncertain if your site(s) are Locally Listed please either our interactive map (below), or contact the Planning Team for verification.


You can view these on our interactive map of the Historic Environment and Conservation in Newcastle.

  • You can zoom in and out to get a closer look of the area you're interested in.  Click-and-drag or use the arrow keys to move the move around.   Click on the area for more details and a link to further information. 
  • There is an option in the bottom left corner of the map to switch the aerial photography on and off,
  • There is an option in the bottom right to choose which layers to switch on and off,
  • the magnifying glass icon in top right is an address search.
  • Click on the areas for more information.  

Local List nominations

The Local List nominations are now closed, and we’re pleased with the variety of sites that have been recommended for addition to the Local List. Have a look below to see what's been nominated in Newcastle:

  1. 147C Osborne Road, Jesmond, NE2 3JT
  2. Keel boat Quay side
  3. North Walbottle Incline
  4. Free Trade Inn PH
  5. Lugano Building
  6. Curtis Mayfield House (World Headquarters Nightclub)
  7. The Grove - Old stone Wall
  8. The Fish with Two Heads, St. Peters, Newcastle upon Tyne
  9. Coxlodge Wagonway, Benton, NE7
  10. Old Block of Businesses, Fern Avenue, NE2 2RA
  11. Former Walbottle Co-operative store, Hexham Road, NE15 9SR

Some sites that have been nominated are already Grade Listed monuments, meaning they are already receiving the highest level of protection at the national level. The following nomination is already a Listed site, which cannot be included on the Local List:

What happens next?

The next step is for these nominations to be assessed against the Local List criteria. A panel of experts will convene in a few months to review the nominations one by one. The panel is made up of local historians, and experts in local archaeology, town planning, and architecture. After the nominations have been approved for addition, the new Local Lists will be presented to the city’s cabinet for adoption. By 2023, the city will have a brand new Local List, which will be easily accessible to the public.

What does it mean if my property has been nominated?

The Local List is a grouping of sites that are reflective of the history, architecture, and values of the local community. So, having your property nominated for the List means that it is valuable to the community in some way. Being added to the Local List is an additional consideration during the planning process but does not prevent you from submitting any applications, nor will any extra steps be required in the application process.

I’ve noticed an error in the list of nominations. What should I do?

If something is missing or wrong, please contact the Local List project manager at ClaireEmbreeLalonde@Gateshead.Gov.Uk.

Newcastle Local List Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

In 2006 the Planning & Transport Strategy Committee adopted the Local List of Buildings, Structures, Parks, Gardens and Open Spaces of Special Local Architectural or Historic Interest SPD. The SPD encourages the retention and conservation of the City's local heritage assets.

Supplementary Planning Document & Supporting Documents

Did you know?

A building/ structure or site cannot be included on the National List and the Local List at the same time. If something is listed by Historic England it is removed from any Local List it may be inscribed upon.

Use our interactive map of the Historic Environment and Conservation in Newcastle for more information.

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