Electric Charging Bays
Electric Charging Bays
Electric charging bays are solely in place to help motorists to charge their vehicles.
There are a number of electric charge bays situated throughout the city; in on street car parks, off street car parks and in multi storey car parks.
On street electric charging bays are marked with white lines and the wording ‘electric vehicles only’ is marked on the highway. The electric charge machine is situated on the pavement for the motorist to connect their vehicle to enable charging.
In off street car parks and multi storey car parks the bay is marked out with white lines but there is no wording on the ground. The electric charge machine is located either straight ahead of the bay or is slightly to one side.
If a motor vehicle is parked in an electric charge bay the vehicle must be connected to the electric charge machine. Payment to park is required to cover the duration the vehicle is parked. This can be made at a payment machine either by using the check in check out service using a Credit or Debit card at the pay and display machine.
Alternatively a payment can be made by a smart device using the pay by phone service.
If a vehicle is not attached to an electric charge machine whilst in an electric charge bay a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) would be issued by a Civil Enforcement Officer (CEO).
If no payment has been made either from a pay and display machine or electronically using the pay by phone service a PCN will be issued to the vehicle.
Within the Blandford Square car park, we are trialling an Electric Charging bay that is designated for E-Taxi’s and Private Hire Taxis only. Only E-Taxis and Private Hire Taxis that are either fully electric or hybrid are permitted to use his bay.
The electric charging bay is marked with white lines with a picture of the vehicle charging and has the words E-TAXI PH Only marked in the bay. The electric charge machine is located adjacent to the sign.
To utilise the bay vehicles must be plugged into the charging post. If an E-Taxi or Private Hire vehicle is parked in this bay without charging a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) will be issued by a Civil Enforcement Officer (CEO).
If demand for Private Hire E-Taxi bay increases more bays may be introduced into the city.
For further information on electric vehicles please go to https://www.newcastle.gov.uk/services/parking-roads-and-transport/car-parks-and-street-parking/electric-and-low-carbon-vehicles
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