Pre-application Planning Advice for Commercial Development, New Residential Development and Listed Buildings

Pre-application Planning Advice for Commercial Development, New Residential Development and Listed Buildings

All Pre-applications must be submitted via our online form on this page. Please do not submit pre-applications via email or post, as they will not be processed.


Our pre-application enquiry service covers all commercial and other business developments, as well as new dwellings and works to listed buildings. You should use this service if you are proposing:


  • new housing (new build or conversion)
  • commercial development
  • changes of use
  • advertisements
  • telecommunications development
  • works to a listed building


If you are extending or improving a residential dwelling, please see our Household Development page.



Quick links:





Why submit a pre-application enquiry?

Pre-application advice helps applicants through the planning process, to make sure that high quality development can be delivered.  The service is not compulsory, but the Council actively encourages pre-application discussions for all development, particularly more detailed and complex proposals, before submission of an application for formal consideration.


By using our pre-application service, you can find out whether a specific development would require planning, advert or listed building consent and if it does, whether your proposal is likely to be acceptable. 


Submitting a pre-application enquiry can:


  • reduce risk by highlighting issues affecting the scheme at an early stage;

  • identify alternative solutions;

  • help you to get the best value out of a development;

  • help to reduce time and costs;

  • provide guidance on the information required for any subsequent planning application;

  • reduce the risk of the application being refused within statutory timescales.


In addition we can:


  • advise on whether any third parties should be consulted separately (such as the Environment Agency, National Highways etc)

  • provide guidance on community involvement, particularly for large schemes

  • provide a better understanding of timescales, and administrative and committee processes



What types of development are covered by this pre-application service and how much does it cost?

The table below sets out the types of pre-application enquiry you can submit, the thresholds for each type, and the associated fee.


All major and strategic development will include feedback from the LLFA. 


For all other types of development LLFA input will be included where the development:



and an additional charge will be applicable in these cases as set out below:


Type of enquiry


What this enquiry is suitable for


(inc. VAT)

What to submit


Minor Development


Minor residential


1-4 Dwellings (New or conversion)




With LLFA advice



See submission requirements

Minor commercial


Alterations to elevations of commercial building with no additional floorspace.

Creation of up to 499sqm of floorspace.

Change of use of up to 499 sqm of floorspace.





With LLFA advice



See submission requirements


Medium Development


Medium residential


5-9 Dwellings (New or conversion)















With LLFA advice


See submission requirements

Medium commercial


Creation of 500-999sqm of floorspace.

Change of use of 500-999 sqm of floorspace.



With LLFA advice



See submission requirements


Major Development


If you think that a Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) would assist with the progression of your enquiry, please see  advice below.


Major Level 1


10-24 Dwellings (New or Conversion)

Creation of 1000-2499sqm of floorspace.

Change of use of 1000-2499sqm of floorspace.



See submission requirements

Major Level 2


25-49 Dwellings (New or conversion)

Creation of 2500-4999sqm of floorspace.

Change of use of 2500-4999sqm of floorspace.



See submission requirements

Major Level 3

50-99 Dwellings (New or conversion)

Creation of 5000-9999sqm of floorspace.

Change of use of 5000-9999sqm of floorspace.



See submission requirements


Strategic Development


If you think that a Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) would assist with the progression of your enquiry, please see  advice below.


For Strategic Developments the Council offers a phased response service as follows:


Level 1: 

This is an initial concept meeting with the planning officer and team manager and is an opportunity to present your proposal to officers, and for the main issues to be identified and the scope of the pre-application enquiry to be agreed.


Level 2: 

Assessment of main issues – this stage will consider the main issues identified at the initial concept meeting and include consultation and feedback from consultees relevant to the these issues


Level 3: 

Detailed response to all issues relevant to your proposal.


For developments of this scale we would recommend that all developers follow a phased approach to pre-application discussions. 


Developers are recommended to request an initial concept meeting (Level 1), after which you can progress to Level 2 then Level 3, or straight to Level 3 depending on the nature of the proposal and the outcome of discussions at Level 1.


You can bypass Level 1 and Level 2 and submit your enquiry at Level 3 if you wish but you will need to contact us to advise of your proposal and the number of meetings you require before any fee can be agreed.




100 or more new dwellings (New or conversion)




See submission requirements




Creation or change of use of 10,000sqm or more




See submission requirements




Extraction of any mineral by any means.



See submission requirements


Major infrastructure


Improvements or construction of new major road and rail infrastructure.

Large scale renewable energy projects.



See submission requirements


*POA – Price on Application – The fee will be calculated based on the information you provide when making your enquiry



Other pre-application services



Listed Buildings


Internal and/or external works (not requiring planning consent)


Any works not requiring planning consent to be carried out on the interior, exterior or within the curtilage of a listed building of any grade (see below for single dwellings).



See submission requirements

Works to a single residential dwelling


Internal alterations only.


If external works are proposed, please use our household development pre-application service.



See submission requirements





Any advertisement.



See submission requirements






Any telecommunications development.



See submission requirements




Planning Performance Agreements

The purpose of the PPA is to provide a framework, which is agreed between the LPA and the applicant, for considering development proposals.  We would encourage the use of a PPA for all strategic and major pre-application enquiries but they can be used for development of any scale. 


We would take a proportionate approach depending on the scale of the proposal and the complexity of the issues raised.

Each PPA is bespoke to the particular development proposal but will generally follow the following principles;


  • the agreement is drawn up at the beginning of the pre-app process

  • both the applicant and LPA are signatories to the agreement

  • the agreement sets out key dates/milestones during pre-app/planning application stages. PPA’s can also cover post decision phases including discharge of conditions.

  • the PPA will set the process for engagement with the community and elected members.


The benefits of using a PPA are that they can assist with:


  • delivering a planned and responsive pre-application service

  • project management;

  • producing better quality development;

  • submitting better quality applications;

  • shortening the timescale for formal applications;

  • appropriate resources being available to assess the proposal.


PPA fees will be calculated based on the nature of your proposal, the likely timescales and the amount of resource required to deliver the service.  The fees will cover the cost of the agreement only and will need to paid in addition to the pre-app fee payable for the development type proposed. 


To discuss use of a PPA for your proposal please contact us. Further information on PPA’s can be found here.




What will the Council provide in response to my enquiry?

Once you have submitted your enquiry it will be checked by our validation team to ensure that the required information and fee has been submitted.  Your enquiry will then be passed to a case officer for review and assessment, and any relevant consultation will begin.


Internal consultees will be consulted only.  We will not consult any external parties as part of this process unless specifically agreed with you.  Consultees will be given 21 days to respond.


In response to your enquiry, unless agreed separately as part of a PPA, we will provide:


Type of Enquiry


Consultee feedback**


Advice on validation requirements


Written Response













Major (all levels)


Up to 2 






Level 1

1 concept meeting




Level 2

Determined at concept meeting

Yes but only those relevant to main issues



Yes but only to issues considered

Level 3

Determined at concept meeting






Listed Buildings


















Additional Meetings (Majors and Strategic Development)


If you think an additional meeting would be beneficial to aid pre-application discussions during the consideration of your enquiry, these can be arranged with the case officer for an additional charge.  You can make your request for an additional meeting by contacting your application case officer with the following information:

  • Pre-application enquiry reference

  • Topic of discussion

  • Who you would like to attend from the Council (case officer plus consultee/manager etc)

  • Who you would bring to the meeting

  • How long a meeting you think you will need (hours). 


You will then be provided with a fee which will need to be paid before the meeting can go ahead.  Meetings will take place online or in person as appropriate.


Fee calculated based on requirements.




If, prior to submission of your pre-application enquiry, you consider that more meetings will be required to discuss the issues relevant to your proposal then you may wish to submit a PPA instead of using the normal pre-application route.  This will allow the number of meetings required and the timescales for response to be agreed in advance.

For major and strategic developments you can however request additional meetings during the consideration of your enquiry if you feel this would be beneficial. Please note that an additional fee will be required for any meetings which are in addition to those already offered (see table above for more details).  You will need to pay this fee before the meeting.

Meetings can take place online, on site, or at Civic Centre, as deemed appropriate for the scheme. The timing, location and purpose of meetings should be discussed with the case officer prior to arranging.

If, as the pre-application progresses, you wish to discuss amended or new information at a meeting, you must provide this information at least 7 working days before the date of the meeting otherwise we will not be able to provide any feedback when we meet.  If information is submitted too close to a meeting date, we may need to contact you to re-arrange.

**Consultee feedback

Internal consultees only (unless specifically agreed with you) will be asked to provide comment on the application and this advice will form part of the Council’s final response to you.  Consultees will attend meetings where deemed appropriate by the Council.

If appropriate, we may suggest amendments or request further information during the course of the assessment of your enquiry.  Please ensure that this information is submitted in a co-ordinated manner to allow more efficient consultation. 


Will the Lead Local Flood Authority comment on my proposal?

The Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) are a statutory consultee to the Local Planning Authority for flood risk and surface water management on all major planning applications, and any other development that may have an impact on flood risk.

The LLFA will provide advice on your enquiry if it consists of:


  • Major Development
  • Strategic Development
  • Change of use to a more vulnerable class
  • Any development within flood zones 2 and 3
  • A site area which exceeds 0.5ha in the Council’s Critical Drainage Area


The LLFA will: 


  • Include advice on flood management issues that could affect a site's development options;  
  • Advise on the scope of a flood risk assessment and any other information required to accompany an application;  
  • Provide design advice regarding SuDS measures appropriate for the development, reducing the likelihood of retrofitting or redesign.
  • Provide advice on adoption arrangements for SuDS/drainage features and any other long term management and maintenance issues  


To support your enquiry, a Draft Sustainable Drainage Plan for the site which identifies site constraints and opportunities and takes into account the national and regional guidance (link to LASOO and SuDS guidance) should be provided.

Further details on the service offered by the LLFA are available here




What do I need to submit with my pre-application enquiry?

In order to obtain the best from our service it is recommended that you submit as much information as possible to support your enquiry.  We appreciate that there are costs associated with producing plans and supporting documents.  However, the better the quality of your submission, the more helpful and detailed we can be with our response.


You can find out more about what information would be required for a formal application by viewing our validation checklist . This will provide guidance on the type of information needed to assess the application when it is submitted formally, and therefore is a guide to what information you should consider providing at pre-application stage. 

You can attach plans/documents to the online form when you submit your enquiry.

To assist with the processing and assessment of your enquiry please ensure that each document is no larger than 20mb in size.

Please submit all information required for your initial submission together rather than in stages as this will assist with validation and consultation.  We will not be able to register your application as valid until at least the minimum information required and the appropriate fee has been received.

The table below sets out what to submit for your pre-application enquiry.  See next table for Strategic Developments.


Minimum Requirements


For Minor, Medium and Major proposals please provide:

  • A clear, concise description of the works you propose including the site area;
  • A location plan, which identifies the site clearly, and marks the boundary in red (ideally at 1:1250 scale);
  • Existing and proposed plans showing the proposed development;
  • Existing and proposed draft/indicative site layout at an appropriate scale for the development;
  • Biodiversity Net Gain Statement (see advice below);
  • Draft sustainable drainage proposals where applicable (see advice below);
  • Contact details for discussing the proposal and arrangements for site access if applicable;
  • The relevant fee (see table above).

For Advertisement enquiries please provide:

  • A clear description of the proposal, including details of any illumination;
  • A location plan clearly identifying the site (preferably at 1:1250 scale);
  • Existing and proposed plans and elevations and/or visuals appropriate for the scheme;
  • Fee of £220.

For Listed Building enquiries please provide:

  • A clear description of the proposal;
  • A location plan clearly identifying the site (preferably at 1:1250 scale);
  • Existing and proposed plans and elevations appropriate for the scheme including large scale details if relevant;
  • Relevant fee.

For Telecommunications enquiries please provide:

  • A clear description of the proposal;
  • A location plan clearly identifying the site (preferably at 1:1250 scale);
  • Existing and proposed plans and elevations and/or visuals appropriate for the scheme;
  • Fee of £200.

Advice on submission

Delivery of Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is a mandatory requirement on all planning applications from April 2024, unless your development is exempt.  It is therefore important that the delivery of BNG is considered at an early stage in the development process as it may affect your site design and layout. 


  • You should provide a statement and/or information demonstrating that you have considered BNG in the design of your proposal.  This should include  setting out how you will address the national validation requirements.

  • If you consider your development to be exempt from BNG please state why.
  • You can find out more about BNG and which types of development are exempt here.

  • You do not need to provide full details of your approach to BNG at this stage but the more information you provide, the more detailed our response can be.
  • Your statement can form part of your cover letter or other documentation but it would assist with validation if you could identify where you have addressed this in your submission. 




A Draft Sustainable Drainage Plan for the site which identifies the site constraints and opportunities (including site levels) and takes into account the national and regional guidance (see LASOO and SuDS guidance) should be provided for any enquiry relating to:


  • Major Development

  • Strategic Development

  • Change of use to a more vulnerable class (see NPPF guidance)

  • Any development within flood zones 2 and 3 (see flood maps)

  • Site area which exceeds 0.5ha in the Council’s Critical Drainage Area


Recommended supporting information


A Design and Access Statement is recommended to be provided with your enquiry if it involves:


  • Major Development

  • Residential development on a site of 0.5ha or more where the number of dwellings is not yet known

  • Works to a listed building

  • Construction of one or more dwellings within a Conservation Area

  • Creation of more than 100sqm of floorspace within a Conservation Area


To help us provide a more detailed response to you, we recommend you provide the following information as appropriate for our proposal:

  • Existing and proposed floor plans, elevations and sections to scale or with dimensions marked;
  • Visualisations showing the development in context;
  • Details of external materials;
  • Large scale details (particularly useful for listed building enquiries);
  • Photographs of the site and immediate surroundings;
  • Supporting information/documents which is relevant/material to the site and proposal.  This could include for example:
    • archaeology reports – this can help to identify any constraints on the site and inform the overall design and layout of proposals.
    • heritage statement – this can be used to demonstrate how your proposal has considered and is responding to site circumstances and impacts on heritage assets such as listed buildings and conservation areas.
    • ecological assessment and mitigation reports – it is important that the impact on ecological habitats and protected species is considered early in the design process to understand whether the scheme can be delivered as proposed and achieve BNG requirements.   Mitigation requirements may have an impact on the layout and scale of development.
    • landscaping details – landscaping can be key to the acceptability of a scheme and can help with integrating development into its setting and softening its visual impact, as well as providing opportunity for multifunctional benefits.  Early consideration of landscape proposals is recommended.
    • noise assessment – it is important to identify early whether the proposal would impact on neighbouring occupants, or whether neighbouring occupants would impact on the development, so that appropriate mitigation can be designed into the scheme.
    • sunlight/daylight assessment – this can inform the scale of development proposed and identify potential impacts on the amenity of existing and proposed buildings.
    • sustainability statement – all major development is required to demonstrate how it will meet the challenge of climate change and design measures may be required to achieve this. Early consideration of this would be beneficial.
    • transport information – the design and layout of highway infrastructure, footpaths and cycling facilities, access to services and facilities and parking provision is often a key element in the overall design of a scheme.  Early consideration of highway matters, including highway safety, is recommended.




Submission Requirements for Strategic Development enquiries







Submission Requirements




Initial concept meeting for the developer to present the scheme to officers and to scope main issues to be considered as pre-application progresses.


Prior to the meeting:


  • Location Plan

  • Description of proposal including uses and quantum of development


Not Applicable 


Consideration of main issues relevant to the submission.   Response will cover only these issues.


  • All Level 1 information

  • Existing and proposed site plan at an appropriate scale for the development

  • Draft Design Statement

  • Proposed plans, elevations and information relevant to the main issues identified.


50% of pre-app fee 


Detailed response on all issues relevant to the proposal.


We recommend you provide the following information as appropriate for your proposal:

  • Visualisations showing the development in context; 

  • Details of external materials;

  • Large scale details (particularly useful for listed building enquiries);

  • Photographs of the site and immediate surroundings;

  • Supporting information/documents which is relevant/material to the site and proposal.   This could include for example:


  • Archaeological report


  • ecological assessment and mitigation reports


  • landscaping details


  • heritage statement


  • noise assessment


  • sunlight/daylight assessment


  • sustainability statement


  • transport information 


Full fee





How do I submit my enquiry and how do I pay?

All pre-application enquiries must be submitted via our online form.  See link below.


Please do not submit pre-application enquiries via email or post, as they will not be processed.

In order to submit online you must become a registered user first.  The login details required are separate to those you may have used to register with the planning portal but it shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to complete registration.   


Please note that you will receive an email to confirm your registration.  Please check your junk/spam folder if you do not see this appear in your inbox.


Once you are a registered user, you are ready to submit the form.  You can include any plans and supporting documents at this stage and pay the fee at the same time.  The whole process shouldn't take more than 15 minutes to complete.

Please ensure that each document you attach to your submission is no larger than 20mb in size.

Please submit documents in pdf format wherever possible as this will assist with the validation process.


Click here to start your pre-application enquiry.

(Log in to the Site, then go to Planning > Planning Home > then click "Submit Preapplication"

If you need any technical help using the application form, you can contact us here.


Paying the fee


To process your application quickly, we would recommend that you pay the fee when you are submitting your pre-application enquiry. Your pre-application enquiry won't be processed until payment has been made.

For Minor and Medium developments please ensure your payment includes the larger fee where LLFA advice applies.

If you are submitting a pre-application enquiry on behalf of someone else, and they are paying the fee, they can make the payment here.  Please select 'Pay Pre-application fee' from the list. 

If paying by phone, please call our Payment Line on 0191 277 7208.  Please give the reference number you receive when submitting the pre-application online form.

If you are unable to make a card payment, and require a BACS transfer, this will take longer for your pre-application to be accepted.

For BACS payments, our payment details are: Lloyds Bank, Account Name: Newcastle City Council Account, Sort Code: 30-93-71, Account: 63352060




Does the Council provide any further advice?

Depending on the nature of your development you may find the following beneficial to assist with the progress of your application.




Fee (inc. VAT ).

Advice on discharging conditions

Please use this service if you would like advice on what information is required or how you are seeking to discharge conditions attached to your planning permission.  Please select this option when submitting your enquiry.  With your application form you will need to provide:

  • the reference of the relevant application and the condition(s) you are seeking advice on;
  • information relevant to the condition(s) which you are seeking advice on;
  • contact details;
  • relevant fee.

Your case officer will then contact you to discuss your proposals and then provide a written response summarising our advice.




£150 per condition

Advice on minor modifications or non-material amendments

Please use this service if you wish to make changes to a scheme after planning approval has been granted and would like advice on your revised proposals.  Please select this option when submitting your enquiry.  With your application form you will need to provide:

  • a description of the change you wish to make;
  • relevant plans with the proposed change clearly shown and highlighted;
  • contact details;
  • relevant fee.

Your case officer will then contact you to discuss your proposals and then provide a written response summarising our advice.



Same as relevant pre-application fee.









Guidance on submitting information

You can find out more about what information would be required for a formal application by viewing our validation checklist . This will provide guidance on the type of information needed to assess the application when it is submitted formally, and therefore is a guide to what information you should consider providing at pre-application stage.

You can attach plans/documents to the online form when you submit your enquiry.

To assist with the processing and assessment of your enquiry:  

  • Please ensure that each document is no larger than 20mb in size;
  • Please submit all information required for your initial submission together rather than in stages as this will assist with validation and consultation.
  • Please submit documents in pdf format wherever possible as this will assist with the validation process.



Will my application be confidential?

If you believe your proposal should remain confidential you will need set out reasons why and for how long it should remain so. Without this it will be assumed that the information will not need to be treated confidentially.

You may also want to talk to your neighbours before you apply for pre-application advice.

We will not normally make pre-application enquiries public.  However, we may be obliged to reveal details under a Freedom of Information request.  Each request is assessed on its own merits.

Please read our Privacy Notice which sets out how we use information as a Planning Department. 



Other guidance

You may find the links below useful in preparing your pre-application enquiry.



If you would like to install advertisements across the city, we strongly recommend seeking pre-application advice.  You may also be interested in reading our Advice Note available here.


Listed Building Consent

If you are seeking to make changes to a listed building, we strongly recommend seeking pre-application advice. You may also be interested in reading our Advice Note available here.



If you are seeking to install telecommunication equipment or digital infrastructure, you get specific pre-application advice. You may also be interested in reading our Process Note available here.






The Council will make every effort to ensure that the advice given in the pre-application process is as accurate as possible.

However, any advice given by council officers for pre-application enquiries does not constitute a formal response or decision of the Council with regards to any future planning applications and, whilst it may be a material consideration, cannot be held to bind the council in its validation or formal determination of a subsequent application.

If an application is subsequently submitted which fails to take on board advice given by officers, then the council may refuse it without further discussion with the applicant or their agent.


Customer Feedback

If you have recently applied for pre-application advice, you may wish to give us comments and feedback about the service. We're keen to consult all planning applicants about whether they are satisfied with the service provided, and so we'd like to hear your views.

Please complete a short questionnaire if you would like to take part in this survey.


Did you know?

Building Regulations consent is completely separate from Planning Permission and you should always check both before starting any work.

Internal and external work to your property might still need consent from Building Regulations even if you do not need Planning Permission, and vice versa.

Our colleagues in Building Control can offer advice as part of the pre-application planning process. This can be beneficial on complex or large scale projects or where there may be difficult design considerations to be overcome to make sure you comply with both planning and building regulation requirements.

Need more information?

If you cannot find the information you need on our website, please contact us.

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