Postal vote handling and secrecy

Postal vote handling and secrecy

The below information is part of the Elections Act 2022 and applies for polls taking place from 2 May 2024.

 Limits on hand delivering completed postal votes

We encourage postal voters to return their postal vote via the Royal Mail system in plenty of time.

The number of postal votes a person can hand deliver is limited to their own plus no more than 5 for other electors.

Where the elector has been appointed as a postal proxy for another elector - handing in the postal proxy vote would count towards one of the 5 for other electors.

If a person hands in more than 5 postal ballot packs for other electors, all the postal votes (other than their own) will be rejected.


If there is reason to suspect a person has already handed in the maximum number of postal votes on any previous occasion at the election, any subsequent postal votes handed in will be rejected.


Completion of postal vote documents form

Anyone hand delivering postal votes will need to complete a postal vote return form.


The person handing in the postal vote(s) will need to complete the form with their name and address, and confirm:


  • if they are handing in their own and / or other people's postal votes

  • whether they are a political campaigner

  • the number of votes being handed in

If the form is not completed with all the required information, or to the authorised officer's satisfaction, the postal vote(s) will be rejected.

Rejected postal votes will not be included in the count.


Hand delivering postal votes to the Returning Officer

Postal votes can be hand delivered to


Arches Reception

Civic Centre

Barras Bridge

Newcastle upon Tyne



Monday to Friday between 8.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m.


On Thursday 2 May 2024 (polling day) they can be delivered until 10.00 p.m.


They must be handed to a person authorised by the Returning Officer and the postal vote return form must be completed when the postal vote(s) is handed in.


Postal votes must not be posted through any letterbox at the Civic Centre or via the Council's internal mail system as they will be rejected and rejected postal votes will not be included in the count.



Postal votes left by voters without completing the form

Postal votes will not be accepted if they are simply left at a polling station or any Council building without a return of postal voting documents form being completed.

These 'left behind' postal votes must be rejected.

After the election, the Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) will write to electors who have had their postal vote rejected, telling them why.



Secrecy requirements extended to postal and proxy votes

The secrecy requirements which apply at a polling station are being extended to postal and proxy votes.

It will be an offence to try to find out how someone has voted when completing their postal vote, or to communicate how a postal or proxy voter has voted.

Anyone found guilty of breaching the secrecy requirements could face a fine or imprisonment up to 6 months.



Ban on political campaigners handling postal votes

Political campaigners will be banned from handling postal votes, except:

  • where the postal vote is their own, or

  • that of a close family member (two people living together as if they were a married couple, or civil partners are treated as if they were spouses or civil partners of each other), or

  • someone they provide regular care for

  • the ban does not apply if they would handle postal votes in the course of their usual duties (for example, if they work for Royal Mail)

A political campaigner is defined in legislation as:

  • a candidate at the election

  • an election agent of a candidate at the election

  • a sub-agent of an election agent at the election

  • employed or engaged for the purposes of that person's activities as a candidate

  • a member of a registered political party and carries on an activity designed to promote a particular outcome at the election - this includes displaying posters, distributing leaflets, posting promotional material on social media accounts and canvassing

  • employed or engaged by a registered political party in connection with the party's political activities

  • employed or engaged by a person within paragraphs (a) to (f) to carry on an activity designed to promote a particular outcome at the election

  • employed or engaged by a person within paragraph (g) to carry on an activity designed to promote a particular outcome at the election

If found guilty of handling postal votes as a campaigner, a person could face a fine and/or imprisonment up to 2 years.

The ban does not apply to handling postal vote applications, however political campaigners should follow the guidance issued by the Electoral Commission for application forms.


What this means for political campaigners

You should make sure anyone supporting an election campaign understands what a campaigner is and is aware of the ban on handling postal votes.

Tell them they can only handle other people's postal votes if they are a close relative, or someone they provide regular care for.

Be aware that suspicions of campaigners handling postal votes will be reported to the police.

Please encourage postal voters to return their postal vote via the Royal Mail system in plenty of time.

If they have missed the post, let them know they can still hand it in at the Arches Reception, Civic Centre, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8QH, between 8.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Monday to Friday and until 10.00 p.m. on Thursday 2 May, or any polling station in the ward where they are registered to vote before 10pm on polling day but they will need to complete a form.

Tell electors about the limit on the number of postal votes that can be handed in - their own plus no more than 5 others.

Tell them they must complete a form when handing in postal votes, and any left at a polling station or Civic Centre without a completed form will be rejected.

Make sure electors know that postal votes left at any Council building, posted through any letterbox at the Civic Centre or via the Council's internal mail system will be classed as 'left behind' and will be rejected.

If you are handling any postal vote application forms, make sure you continue to follow the Electoral Commission's Code of Conduct for campaigners.


Need more information?

If you require any further information please contact or ask for Electoral Services on 0191 2787878
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