Deploying in Newcastle
To help deliver Newcastle's ambitions as a technologically innovative and smart city, we want Newcastle to be the most attractive place to deploy digital connectivity in the UK.
Listen to Michelle Percy, Director of Place, talk about the importance of deployment in Newcastle!
Highways Hub
Our Highways Hub has been designed to help you navigate through data, information, and signpost you through key processes to help you deploy in Newcastle.
Wayleaves are legal agreements that allow connectivity providers to install infrastructure in land, and, or, properties owned by others and to access it on an ongoing basis to carry out work. For more information about installing infrastructure in City Council land and, or, Property, please visit our wayleaves page.
Planning for the Future
Information on Newcastle's Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan.
We have published a process note to help developers to integrate digital infrastructure into new developments at an early stage.
“Newcastle – the most attractive place to deploy connectivity”
Our assets, aspirations and ambitions as a technologically innovative and “smart” city are set out in our Digital Narrative. As part of this, Newcastle want to be the most attractive place to deploy connectivity.

Collaborative Approach
We are taking a collaborative approach which unites different stakeholders across the public, private, voluntary and academic sectors to work together for maximum return.

Smart Street
If you would like to give us feedback on our website, please complete this short online form.