Animal health and licensing

Animal health and licensing

Avian Flu 

Extension to avian influenza prevention zone

In response to the increased number of cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza in poultry in new areas of the country and the continued heightened risk levels in poultry and kept birds, the Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) is being extended to mitigate the risk of further outbreaks of the disease.

This means that from 00:01 on Monday 27 January 2025 the AIPZ mandating enhanced biosecurity and housing for kept birds currently in force across East Riding of Yorkshire, City of Kingston Upon Hull, Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Suffolk will be extended to also include the unitary authorities of Shropshire, York and North Yorkshire.

In addition, an AIPZ mandating enhanced biosecurity but without mandatory housing came into force at noon on Saturday 25 January 2025 across all other areas of England. A similar zone will also apply in Scotland.

The AIPZ measures apply to all bird keepers whether they have pet birds, commercial flocks or just a few birds in a backyard flock and are essential to protecting flocks from avian influenza.

Bird keepers are advised to consult the interactive map to check if they are impacted and should then read the AIPZ declaration schedule relevant to their area.

The AIPZs will be in place until further notice and will be kept under regular review as part of the government’s work to monitor and manage the risks of avian influenza.

Blue Tongue

Bluetongue does not pose a threat to human health or food safety. The latest risk assessment of bluetongue virus entering Great Britain during 2024 has been published by the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) following an outbreak in England in 2023.  

Bluetongue virus is primarily transmitted by biting midges (Culicoides species) and affects cattle, sheep, and other ruminants such as goats and deer, and camelids such as llamas. The virus does not affect people or food safety.

In an updated qualitative risk assessment, APHA confirm there is a very high probability of a new introduction of bluetongue virus serotype 3 (BTV-3) into livestock in Great Britain through infected biting midges being blown over from northern Europe.  Biting midges are most active between April and November and the timing of a potential incursion will depend on the temperature and wind patterns.  

What is Bluetongue?

•    Bluetongue is a notifiable disease and suspicion must be reported to APHA.
•    It is a viral disease, which affects ruminants (such as sheep, cattle, goats and deer) and camelids (llamas and alpacas). It does not affect horses or pigs.
•    Symptoms vary across ruminants, but include fever, lesions, redness of the mouth, eyes, nose, reddening of the skin above the hoof, excessive salivation and nasal discharge. Some animals may show few or no clinical signs. 
•    BTV is mainly spread by adult-infected midges biting an animal susceptible to the disease. This is classed as ‘vector-borne’ transmission.
•    Infected midges can spread locally and more widely in certain temperatures and wind conditions.
•    There is currently no approved vaccine available for BTV3 in Europe.

It does not affect people or food safety, but outbreaks can result in prolonged animal movement and trade restrictions.

If you suspect bluetongue you must report it immediately by calling:

03000 200 301 if you’re in England Bluetongue is a notifiable disease. If you do not report it, you’re breaking the law. For further information go to

Foot and Mouth Disease

On the 15 January 2025 DEFRA announced that following the confirmation on the 10 January 2025 of FMD in the German state of Brandenburg, Government has taken rapid action to protect the UK including suspending the commercial import of susceptible animals from Germany and restricting personal imports of animal products from across the EU.

The import of cattle, pigs and sheep from Germany has been stopped to protect farmers and protect their livelihoods. Government will not hesitate to add additional countries to the list if the disease spreads. 

FMD guidance is available on GOV.UK and livestock farmers are urged to be extra vigilant and report any suspect disease to APHA immediately​ and the UK Chief Veterinary Officer is also urging livestock keepers to remain vigilant to the clinical signs of FMD. There are no FMD cases in the UK currently. To see the full Ministerial Statement go to Gov.Uk. 

Importation of Dogs, Cats & Ferrets

To see the latest importation advice from Government on the legislation that is applicable to the importation of certain animals go to Updated guidance on the isolation requirements (pdf 91kb) is available. 

Importing animals and animal products

Specific guidelines about the trade of animals and animal products have been produced by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). Traders must follow detailed guidelines for products of animal origin in addition to the general checks at the point of entry into the UK. 

Newcastle City Council is responsible for policing and monitoring animals entering the country using either Newcastle International Airport or the River Tyne, within the controlled district of Newcastle City Council.

Animal Health Officers monitor this very closely as part of the measures in place to prevent such diseases as rabies from entering the country. Our duties also extend to any other animal, particularly those on the Dangerous Wild Animals list or a protected species. We are given full support and co-operation by officers from Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and the United Kingdom Borders Force (UKBF), as well as Northumbria Police.

Feed hygiene

The Feed (Hygiene and Enforcement) (England) Regulations 2015 requires all businesses that make, use or market animal feeds (including farms, but excluding pet food retailers) to register with the council. Find out more about feed hygiene registration.

Health inspections of farmed animals

Our Animal Health Inspectors carry out a disease risk assessment of all livestock farms in Newcastle upon Tyne. During a scheduled visit to a farm the Animal Health Inspector will check all Livestock related documentation, such as;

  • Flock and herd records of all movements on and off the premise
  • Veterinary medicine records, animal by-products disposal route
  • Stock on the holding will also be checked on welfare grounds and to ascertain whether or not they comply with current tagging/identity legislation

Keeping poultry on a domestic property

Keeping a few hens in the back garden to provide year- round eggs is becoming more and more popular. There are no laws preventing you keeping hens, providing they are looked after properly and their welfare is taken seriously. However, it is advisable to check your property deeds or consult your landlord to make sure there are no covenants preventing the keeping of livestock.

New registration requirements for bird keepers in Great Britain

On 19 March 2024 Government announced new measures to help protect the poultry sector from bird flu

Buying a cat or dog

Animal lovers should take care when buying a new pet. Do not buy a cat or dog from an unknown source and be careful when buying animals advertised on the internet or in a newspaper. Illegally imported dogs and cats may carry diseases such as rabies and advertising may mislead you on details about the animal's history, breed or pedigree. DEFRA have produced guidance for the basic checks you should carry out when buying a cat or dog.

Abandonment and fly-grazing

Most abandonment and fly-grazing cases are a civil matters. If  you think the animal may be in distress you can report it to the RSPCA on 0300 1234 999. If you believe an animal has been abandoned or is fly-grazing  on land managed by the Council, please contact us on 0191 278 7878.

Animal licences

Animal movement licences

All animal movements are controlled by a general licence. In addition to the general licence, in respect of the movement of deer must be accompanied by a completed AML1 form. Movement must be reported to Local Authorities using the form AML1 within 3 days of the movement taking place. Forms need to be completed in triplicate. One copy is to be retained by the owner of the animals, two copies to the person buying the animals, one of which should be forwarded to the authority.

Dangerous and wild animals

Anyone who keeps an animal that is prescribed as dangerous and or wild must hold a licence to do so. There are currently no such licences issued by the City Council. 


New legislation is now enacted to ban the keeping of primates as pets. Licence.

The legislation brings in a licensing scheme setting strict rules to ensure that only private keepers who meet new welfare and licensing standards will be able to keep primates, in order to provide greater legal protection for pet primates.

The measures come into force from 6 April 2026 when all primates in England will need to be kept to these zoo-level standards - in effect banning the practice of keeping primates as pets.

It is estimated that up to 5,000 primates are currently kept in domestic settings as pets in the UK. These wild animals have complex welfare and social needs and, according to most experts, cannot be properly cared for in these environments. The new measures will improve the welfare of potentially thousands of these intelligent animals.

Keeping or training animals for exhibition

Anyone who keeps or trains animals for the purposes of exhibition must hold a licence to do so.

Dog breeding

Anyone runs a business that breeds and sells dogs, or have a dog that has more than 3 litters in a year and sell the puppies, you need a licence to breed dogs.

Animal boarding

Anyone keeps dogs or cats overnight as part of a business, you may need an animal boarding licence

Selling Pets

Anyone who sells animals as pets needs a pet shop licence, even if they don't work out of an actual shop. 

Hire of horses

Anyone who hires out horses, such as riding establishments, needs a licence to do so.

Zoo licences

Anyone who keeps wild animals for exhibition other than a circus or pet shop must apply for a zoo licence


Fees that are applicable for licences issued by the Council.


To access a copy go to High Standard (pdf 1.5 mb).  


Trading Standards service, Directorate of City Operations, Neighbourhoods and Regulatory Services, City of Newcastle upon Tyne, Civic Centre, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8QH. Email:


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