A Guide To Planning Applications

A Guide To Planning Applications

1. Is Planning Permission Needed?  Find out if you need planning permission, depending on the type and scale of the works you want to do.

2. How to Apply For Planning Permission  Help on selecting the right application form, calculating the fee, and what to send us.

3. Applications forms, Validation Checklists and Guidance Notes You can fill in your application on screen, or download forms from here. There are also guidance notes to help you to make your planning application.

4. Extending or improving your home  Advice for householders who want to apply.

5. A guide to Publicity and The Planning Process  What happens after submitting the planning application, and how the public can become involved with decisions.

6. Listed Buildings, Advertisements, and other Prior Approvals

7. Pre Application Enquiries Information on our pre-application service with impartial and professional advice.

8. How Planning Applications Are Decided  Which applications are decided by Planning Officer and which by Planning Committee?

9. Developer Guidance for Transport To aid Developers in terms of Highway works, Transport Assessments, Travel Plans, and Parking

10. Appealing your Planning Decision  How to Appeal against the decision on your application.



Did you know?

We have a range of online interactive maps. You can use these to explore the city and see areas and buildings you're interested in, see what kind of policies and restrictions are in place there, and click on them for more information.  Our list of available maps is here.

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