Planning application forms, checklists and guidance

Planning application forms, checklists and guidance

How to apply

We encourage you to submit your application online through the Planning Portal to help speed up the process.

Submit an application

Submit your application through the Planning Portal


Applying online helps you to:

  • Identify which forms you need to complete
  • Help you have complete the application form
  • Attach relevant files including drawings and other supporting information
  • Produce a site location plan
  • Calculate the correct fee and pay for your application online (where relevant)

The information provided on the application form, drawings and documents will be made available on the internet.

Each form is accompanied by help text and a checklist, which you should read to make sure you have given us all the information needed. Further information on the additional supporting information listed in each checklist can be found in our Validation Requirements document, which sets out when particular information is required.

If you do not send all the information we need to deal with your application, we will not be able to register it and we will advise on what you need to do to ensure it is valid and complete.

To help us process your application as quickly as possible it is important that you take time to read the attached guidance. You should also complete and return the appropriate checklist with your planning application.

In addition  to the Validation Checklist and in accordance with government guidance from the 1st August 2021, any planning applications for buildings 18m in height or more or 7 or more storeys containing two or more dwellings or educational accommodation will be required to be accompanied by a fire statement .


Paying the Planning Fee

Pay online or by phone here 


Quick Links

Householder Applications

These forms should be used for works to domestic dwelling houses (not flats), including extensions, conservatories, garages, dormer windows, new access drives.

If you are unsure whether you need planning permission for your proposal then you should refer to our page on Residential Planning . Alternatively, if you think permission is not required and you would like a legal determination to this effect, you can submit an application for a proposed Lawful Development Certificate.


Householder application forms
FormTyneside Validation List

Validation Checklist

Please contact Planning for more information if required.

Household Application for Planning Permission (Only) (pdf, 442kb)
Guidance for validation 
Household Application for Planning Permission with Listed Building Consent (pdf, 482kb)Guidance for validation 
Household Prior Notification Form (pdf, 59kb)Flowchart Guidance N/A
Notice under Article 13 of application for planning permission for householder development (pdf, 92kb)  


General planning applications

These notes and forms are to be used for non-householder applications. They are used for building works, engineering works and changes of use, and alterations to flats.

General application forms
FormTyneside Validation List

Validation Checklist

Please contact Planning for more information if required.

Application for Planning Permission Only (pdf, 655kb)Guidance for validation Checklist (pdf, 98kb)
Application for Planning Permission with Listed Building Consent (pdf, 695kb)Guidance for validation Checklist (pdf, 98kb)
Application for Planning Permission with Advertisement Consent (pdf, 678kb)Guidance for validation Checklist (pdf, 98kb)
Application for Change Of Use (pdf, 655kb)Guidance for validation Checklist (pdf, 98kb)


Outline planning applications

An outline planning application is a means of establishing the principle of a proposed development without having to supply all of the details. The grant of outline planning permission will then be conditional upon the subsequent approval of details of 'reserved matters'

Outline application forms
FormTyneside Validation List

Validation Checklist

Please contact Planning for more information if required.

Application for Outline Consent with some Matters Reserved (pdf, 741kb)Guidance for validation Checklist (pdf, 103kb)
Application for Outline Consent with all Matters Reserved (pdf, 633kb)Guidance for validation Checklist (pdf, 103kb)
Application for Approval of Reserved Matters following outline approval (pdf, 400kb)Guidance for validation Checklist (pdf, 103kb)


Other Planning Applications

Other application forms
FormTyneside Validation List

Validation Checklist

Please contact Planning for more information if required.

Application for a non-material amendment following a grant of permission (pdf, 403kb)Guidance for validation Contact Us
Application for Advertisement Consent Only (pdf, 419kb)Guidance for validation  
Application for Listed Building Consent Only (pdf, 468kb)Guidance for validation Checklist (pdf, 92kb)
Application to Carry Out Works to Trees (pdf, 407 kb) Contact UsContact Us
Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for Existing Use (pdf, 469kb)Contact UsContact Us
Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for Proposed Use (pdf, 419kb)Contact UsContact Us
Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Works to a Listed Building (pdf, 419kb)Contact UsContact Us
Application for removal or variation of a condition following grant of planning permission (pdf, 407kb)Contact UsContact Us
Application for approval of details reserved by condition (pdf, 394kb)Contact UsContact Us
Application for a new planning permission to replace an existing permission (pdf, 424kb)Guidance (pdf, 128kb)Contact Us


Waste Management Form

Guidance (pdf, 3mb) 


Prior notifications

The Government's 2013 Statutory Instrument sets out provisions for permitted development through the planning system. This significantly relaxed the controls on what will require planning permission. You will still need to notify us of your plans, using the application forms below, and we will also still need to notify neighbours of your proposals. We will then tell you if you can proceed. If you get confirmation from the Council that you can go ahead with development, you will then also need to notify us in writing that the work has been completed.

Apply online if you are seeking or applying for:

  • prior approval of a proposed larger home extension
  • prior notification of demolition
  • prior notification of operations by a telecommunications operator
  • notification of a proposed change of use to dwellings
  • prior approval of a proposed change of use of an agricultural building to a dwellinghouse (use class C3)
  • prior approval of a proposed change of use to a state funded school
  • prior approval of a proposed change of use of a building from retail (class A1 or A2), or mixed retail and residential, to class C3 (dwellinghouse)
  • prior approval of a proposed change of use from an agricultural building to a flexible use within shops, financial and professional services, restaurants and cafes, business, storage or distribution, hotels, or assembly or leisure
  • prior approval of a proposed change of use of an agricultural building to a state funded school or registered nursery
  • notification for prior approval for a change of use from amusement arcades/centres and casinos (sui generis uses) and any land within its curtilage to dwellinghouses (class C3)
  • notification for prior approval for a change of use from shops (class A1), financial and professional services (class A2), betting offices, pay day loan shops and casinos (sui generis uses) to restaurants and cafés (class A3)
  • notification for prior approval for a change of use from shops (class A1), financial and professional services (class A2), betting offices, pay day loan shops (sui generis uses) to assembly and leisure uses (class D2)
  • notification for prior approval for a development consisting of the erection or construction of a collection facility within the curtilage of a shop
  • notification for prior approval for the temporary use of buildings or land for commercial film making and associated temporary structures, works, plant or machinery required for that use
  • notification for prior approval for the installation, alteration or replacement of solar photovoltaic (PV) equipment on the roofs of non domestic buildings, up to a capacity of 1 megawatt

Pre-application forms

The way we receive pre-applications has now changed. All pre-applications must be submitted via our new online form, available here.

Please do not submit pre-applications via email or post as they will not be processed.

Notification of an application to the owner of the land

If the applicant is not the owner of the land to which an application is to be made then notice should be served upon the owner/tenant using the form below. The form should be completed by the applicant and served on the owner or agricultural tenant. Also if the owner of the land is not known then notice should be published in a local newspaper, using the form below.
Notice under Article 13 of Application (certificate B or C) - Notice 1
Notice under Article 13 of Application (certificate C or D) - Notice 2
Notice under Article 13 of Application (Householders)


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Did you know?

Submitting your application through the Planning Portal  will speed up the process.

As a minimum, you must provide the following documents:

  • The correct application form
  • The correct fee. You can calculate the correct fee here (external) and pay online or by phone here.  There is a flat rate service charge of £64 inc. VAT for submitting online planning applications that attract a fee of £60 or more.
  • The plans of the site.  Most planning applications will need two plans:  a Location Plan – which shows the site area and its surrounding area; and a Site Plan, which shows the proposed development in detail.  Here are some recommended websites which can help produce these.
  • An ownership certificate  must be completed stating the ownership of the property. 
  • Design and Access statement (if required). Find out more about design and access statements (external)
  • Other requirements, depending on the type of application, are listed in our  Validation Checklist 

(This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. There is an accessible format available here. )

Need more information?

Five tips for getting planning permission can be found on the Planning Portal website.

An A to Z of common words used in the planning process can be found on the Planning Aid website.

If you cannot find the information you need on our website, please email our planning control team or phone 0191 278 7878 and ask for planning.

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