Planning Appeal at Plot 12, East Quayside

Planning Appeal at Plot 12, East Quayside

This page is dedicated to the Planning Public Inquiry at Plot 12, East Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne.

An appeal has been made to the Secretary of State against the decision of Newcastle City Council refuse to grant planning permission for the above development. Following a High Court challenge to the Inspector’s decision on this appeal dated 1st November 2022 the Court has ordered that the appeal be re-determined.  

The appeal was re-determined following an inquiry. 

The inquiry was held on14-17 November 2023, then 21-22 November. 

  • The Decision was published on 3rd may 2024 and can be viewed here.

  • The original Decision was published on 6th may 2022 and can be viewed here.
  • The judgments from the High Court and Court of Appeal can be viewed here:


  • The Inspectorate webpage for this appeal is here.
  • The Public Access webpage for the application and appeal is here.



The Appeal is by East Quayside 12 LLP regarding the refusal of planning applications for:

Erection of residential development comprising 289 apartments (Class C3), up to 430m2 (NIA) ground floor resident amenity/commercial space (Class E/Sui Generis (formerly classes A1/A2/A3/A4/B1/D2)) within a building of between 11 and 14 storeys (including ground floor) with further resident amenity space, storage, associated access, car parking, landscaping and urban realm works as amended by plans received 23 October 2020. (inspectorate reference APP/M4510/W/21/3283989)

Planning permission was originally refused in March 2021 for the following reasons:

  1. The proposed building, by reason of its scale, massing, footprint and design, would result in harm to the visual appearance and character of the local area and would fail to deliver a high-quality building contrary to the NPPF and policies UC12 and UC13 of the Core Strategy & Urban Core Plan and policy DM20 of the Development and Allocations Plan.
  2. The proposed building, by reason of its impact on the setting of designated heritage assets and the failure of the scheme to deliver public benefits which outweigh the harm, would be contrary to the NPPF, Policy UC14 of the Core Strategy & Urban Core Plan and policies DM15 and DM16 of the Development and Allocations Plan.
  • Reflecting the end of the transition period of the Council’s Policy DM7 (Space Standards), which occurred in June 2021, after the appeal sites original determination, a further refusal reason has also been included.
  • On 3 December 2021 the Council’s Planning Committee resolved to approve the following statement:
    • In the event members were considering the application in November 2021 they would have been minded to refuse the application on the grounds that the proposed development fails to provide a flexible and high quality environment by failing to meet the National Described Space Standards for the one bedroom units. The scheme is therefore contrary to Policy DM7 of the Development and Allocations Plan


Written Rep Submissions 



Core Document Library

The library of core documents relating to this appeal will constantly be updated.

Last updated: 01 March 2022 08:00


Application Plans and Drawings

RefPlan TitleDrawing NumberRevisionURL
PA/1Site Location Plan180490-WCA-A1-00-DR-A-PL901-
PA/2Existing Site Plan180490-WCA-A1-00-DR-A-90100-PL2PL2
PA/3Proposed Site Block Plan180490-WCA-A1-00-DR-A-90101P01
PA/4GA Floor Plan – 00 Ground Floor180490-WCA-A1-00-DR-A-00100P09
PA/5GA Floor Plan – 01 First Floor180490-WCA-A1-01-DR-A-00101P11
PA/6GA Floor Plan – 02 Second Floor180490-WCA-A1-02-DR-A-00102P09
PA/7GA Floor Plan – 03 Third Floor180490-WCA-A1-03-DR-A-00103P09
PA/8GA Floor Plan – 04 Fourth Floor180490-WCA-A1-04-DR-A-00104P09
PA/9GA Floor Plan – 05 Fifth Floor180490-WCA-A1-05-DR-A-00105P09
PA/10GA Floor Plan – 06 Sixth floor180490-WCA-A1-06-DR-A-00106P09
PA/11GA Floor Plan – 07 Seventh floor180490-WCA-A1-07-DR-A-00107P09
PA/12GA Floor Plan – 08 Eighth floor180490-WCA-A1-08-DR-A-00108P09
PA/13GA Floor Plan – 09 Ninth floor180490-WCA-A1-09-DR-A-00109P09
PA/14GA Floor Plan – 10 Tenth floor180490-WCA-A1-10-DR-A-00110P10
PA/15GA Floor Plan – 11 Eleventh floor180490-WCA-A1-11-DR-A-00111P09
PA/16GA Floor Plan – 12 Twelfth floor180490-WCA-A1-12-DR-A-00112P09
PA/17GA Floor Plan – 13 Thirteenth floor180490-WCA-A1-13-DR-A-00113P08
PA/18South East (Quayside) – Coloured Elevation180490-WCA-A1-ZZ-DR-A-00210P02
PA/19West Elevation (St Ann’s) – Coloured Elevation180490-WCA-A1-ZZ-DR-A-00211P02
PA/20North Elevation (City Road) – Coloured Elevation180490-WCA-A1-ZZ-DR-A-00212P02
PA/21East Elevation – Coloured Elevation180490-WCA-A1-ZZ-DR-A-00213P02
PA/22Inner East Elevation (Podium) – Coloured Elevation180490-WCA-A1-ZZ-DR-A-00214P02
PA/23Inner South Elevation (Quayside) – Coloured Elevation180490-WCA-A1-ZZ-DR-A-00215P02
PA/24Inner West Elevation (Podium) – Coloured Elevation180490-WCA-A1-ZZ-DR-A-00216P02
PA/25General Arrangement - Section A-A180490-WCA-A1-ZZ-DR-A-00300P01
PA/26General Arrangement - Section B-B180490-WCA-A1-ZZ-DR-A-00301P02
PA/27General Arrangement - Section C-C180490-WCA-A1-ZZ-DR-A-00302P01
PA/28General Arrangement - Section D-D180490-WCA-A1-ZZ-DR-A-00303P01
PA/29General Arrangement - Section E-E180490-WCA-A1-ZZ-DR-A-00304P02
PA/30General Arrangement - Section F-F180490-WCA-A1-ZZ-DR-A-00305-
PA/31Area Context – Sheet 1: Quayside Long Section180490-WCA-A1-ZZ-DR-A-01000P01
PA/32Area Context – Sheet 2: City Road Long Section180490-WCA-A1-ZZ-DR-A-01001P01
PA/33Design Intent Large Details Sheet 1180490-A-21315-
PA/34Design Intent Large Details Sheet 2180490-A-21317-
PA/35Design Intent Large Details Sheet 3180490-A-21316-
PA/36Brick Selection Sheet--
PA/37GA Floor Plan – 15 Roof Level180490-WCA-A1-RF-DR-A-00115P03
PA/38Hard & Soft Landscape General Arrangement Level 0N806‐ONE‐ZZ‐ZZ‐DR‐L‐0001P10
PA/39Hard & Soft Landscape General Arrangement Level 1N806‐ONE‐ZZ‐ZZ‐DR‐L‐0002P10
PA/40Hard & Soft Landscape General Arrangement Level 4N806-ONE-ZZ-ZZ-DR-L-0005P08
PA/41Hard & Soft Landscape General Arrangement Level 11N806‐ONE‐ZZ‐ZZ‐DR‐L‐0003P11
PA/42Hard & Soft Landscape General Arrangement OverallN806‐ONE‐ZZ‐ZZ‐DR‐L‐0004P12


Technical Reports Submitted with the Planning Application

RefReport NamePrepared byReferenceURL
PA/43Design and Access Statement AddendumWhittam Cox ArchitectsP01
PA/44Planning Statement, Affordable Housing Statement and Draft Heads of TermsLichfields-
PA/45Public Benefits StatementLichfields-
PA/46Heritage Impact AssessmentLichfields-
PA/47Statement of Community InvolvementLichfields-
PA/48Daylight, Sunlight and Overshadowing AssessmentLichfields-
PA/49Noise Impact AssessmentApex AcousticsD
PA/50Transport AssessmentAndrew Moseley AssociatesRev 3
PA/51Interim Travel PlanAndrew Moseley AssociatesRev 3
PA/52Ecological AppraisalE3 EcologyR06
PA/53Biodiversity MetricE3 Ecology-
PA/54Landscape Visual Impact Assessment and AddendumOne Environments-
PA/55Landscape and Visual Assessment AppendixOne Environments-
PA/56Ventilation and Extraction Strategy and Odour AssessmentRPS-
PA/57Arboricultural Survey, Impact Assessment and Method StatementElliot Consultancy-
PA/58Wind Microclimate StatementUrban Microclimate-
PA/59Air Quality AssessmentRPSRev 3
PA/60Phase 2 Geo-Environmental Interpretative ReportWYG-
PA/61Sustainability and Energy StatementRPSV.0.5
PA/62Flood Risk AssessmentBGP5
PA/63Drainage PhilosophyBGP5
PA/64Originally Submitted DAS (March 2020)Whittam Cox ArchitectsPart 1
   Part 2


Background Documents

RefDocument TitleURL
DOC/1Terry Farrell Newcastle Quayside Master Plan (1992) (Compact version - lower resolution)
DOC/1Terry Farrell Newcastle Quayside Master Plan (1992) (Original quality version - 291mb)
DOC/2Planning Brief (August 2018)
DOC/2APlanning Brief Appendix 1
DOC/3North East Design Review Panel Written Report (December 2019)
DOC/4Urban Landscape Study of the Tyne Gorge (2003)
DOC/5Newcastle Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) 2020 (July 2021)…
DOC/6Building Research Establishment: Site Layout Planning for Daylight and Sunlight: A Guide to Good Practice
DOC/7Heritage England The Setting of Heritage Assets – GPA Note 3 (2017)
DOC/8The Regeneration of Newcastle/Gateshead Quays (2009)
DOC/9Terry Farrell Newcastle Quayside Master Plan (1991)


Council Determination

RefDocument TitleURL
COM/1March 2021 Planning Committee Report
COM/2December 2021 Planning Committee Report (NDSS)
COM/3Decision Notice  (31 March 2021)


Planning Application Consultee Responses

RefDocument TitleURL
CON/01Historic England Response (15 May 2020)
CON/02Historic England Response (20 November 2020)


Planning Policies

RefDocument TitleURL
POL/01National Planning Policy Framework (July 2021)
POL/02National Design Guide (January 2021)
POL/2aPlanning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
POL/03Newcastle Gateshead Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan (March 2015)
POL/04Development and Allocation Plan (June 2020)
POL/05Tall Buildings SPD (2006)
POL/06Nationally Described Space Standards (March 2015)
POL/07First Draft of the Newcastle Development Allocation Plan (2017)
POL/08Pre-submission draft of the Newcastle Development Allocations Plan (2018)
POL/09Planning Obligations SPD (2021)
POL/10Central Conservation Area (2010)


Proofs of Evidence and Statements of Case

RefDocument TitleURL
Council Witnesses (NCC)  
NCC/MS/1Mike Stowell Proof (Design) and Appendices A and B
NCC/MS/1/CMike Stowell Appendix C
NCC/MS/1/DMike Stowell Appendix D
NCC/MS/1/EMike Stowell Appendix E
NCC/MS/1/FMike Stowell Appendix F
NCC/MS/1/GMike Stowell Appendix G
NCC/MS/1/HMike Stowell Appendix H
NCC/CC/1Charlotte Coyne Proof (Heritage)
NCC/CC/1/1Charlotte Coyne Appendix 1
NCC/CC/1/2Charlotte Coyne Appendix 2
NCC/CC/1/3Charlotte Coyne Appendix 3
NCC/CC/1/4Charlotte Coyne Appendix 4
NCC/CC/1/5Charlotte Coyne Appendix 5
NCC/ST/1Sam Thistlethwaite Proof (Planning)
NCC/ST/1/1Sam Thistlethwaite Appendix 1
NCC/ST/1/2Sam Thistlethwaite Appendix 2
NCC/ST/1/3Sam Thistlethwaite Appendix 3
NCC/ST/1/4Sam Thistlethwaite Appendix 4
NCC/ST/1/5Sam Thistlethwaite Appendix 5
NCC/ST/1/6Sam Thistlethwaite Appendix 6
NCC/MS/2Mike Stowell Rebutall Proof
NCC/ST/2Sam Thistlethwaite Rebutall Proof
NCC/ST/3Sam Thistlethwaite Appendix 1
NCC/ST/4Sam Thistlethwaite Appendix 2
NCC/ST/5Sam Thistlethwaite Appendix 3
Appellant Witnesses (PKL)  
PKL/HE/1Harvey Emms Proof (Planning)
PKL/HE/1/AHarvey Emms Appendix 1
PKL/HE/1/BHarvey Emms Appendix 2
PKL/HE/1/CHarvey Emms Appendix 3
PKL/HE/1/DHarvey Emms Appendix 4
PKL/HE/1/EHarvey Emms Appendix 5
PKL/HE/1/SHarvey Emms Summary Proof
PKL/CM/1Chris Miele Proof (Heritage)
PKL/CM/1/AChris Miele Appendix 1Included in PKL/CM/1
PKL/CM/1/BChris Miele Appendix 2Included in PKL/CM/1
PKL/CM/1/CChris Miele Appendix 3Included in PKL/CM/1
PKL/CM/1/SChris Miele Summary Proof
PKL/RP/1Russell Pedley Proof (Amenity)
PKL/RP/1/ARussell Pedley Appendix 1Included in PKL/RP/1
PKL/RP/1/BRussell Pedley Appendix 2Included in PKL/RP/1
PKL/RP/1/CRussell Pedley Appendix 3Included in PKL/RP/1
PKL/RP/1/DRussell Pedley Appendix 4Included in PKL/RP/1
PKL/RP/1/ERussell Pedley Appendix 5Included in PKL/RP/1
PKL/RP/1/FRussell Pedley Appendix 6Included in PKL/RP/1
PKL/RP/1/GRussell Pedley Appendix 7Included in PKL/RP/1
PKL/RP/1/HRussell Pedley Appendix 8Included in PKL/RP/1
PKL/RP/1/1Russell Pedley Appendix 9Included in PKL/RP/1
PKL/RP/1/SRussell Pedley Summary Proof
PKL/TRL/1Toby Rogan-Lyons Proof (Amenity)
PKL/TRL/1/AToby Rogan-Lyons Appendix 1Included in PKL/TRL/1
PKL/TRL/1/BToby Rogan-Lyons Appendix 2Included in PKL/TRL/1
PKL/TRL/1/CToby Rogan-Lyons Appendix 3Included in PKL/TRL/1
PKL/TRL/1/DToby Rogan-Lyons Appendix 4Included in PKL/TRL/1
PKL/TRL/1/EToby Rogan Lyons Appendix 5Included in PKL/TRL/1
PKL/TRL/1/FToby Rogan-Lyons Appendix 6Included in PKL/TRL/1
PKL/TRL/2Toby Rogan Lyons Rebuttal…
 Toby Rogan Lyons Rebuttal Appendix 1Included in PKL/TRL/2
 Toby Rogan Lyons Rebuttal Appendix 2Included in PKL/TRL/2
 Toby Rogan Lyons Rebuttal Appendix 3Included in PKL/TRL/2
 Toby Rogan Lyons Rebuttal Appendix 4Included in PKL/TRL/2
 Toby Rogan Lyons Rebuttal Appendix 5Included in PKL/TRL/2
 Toby Rogan Lyons Rebuttal Appendix 6Included in PKL/TRL/2
PKL/CM/2Chris Miele Rebuttal
 Chris Miele Rebuttal Appendix 1 (Ian Lowson Response)Included in PKL/CM/2
 Chris Miele Rebuttal Appendix 2Included in PKL/CM/2
Rule 6 - St Anns Quay and High Quay Residents Witnesses (Rule 6 Party)  
R6/MF/1Maria Ferguson Proof (Planning)
R6/MF/1/AMaria Ferguson Appendix 1
R6/MF/2Maria Ferguson Summary
R6/McG/1Peter McGuckin Proof
R6/McG/2Peter McGuckin Summary
R6/PL/1Paul Littlefair Proof
R6/PL/2Paul Littlefair Appendix
R6/PL/3Paul Littlefair Summary
Statements of Case  
SOC/NCC/1Newcastle City Council Statement of Case
SOC/NCC/2NCC Statement of Case Appendix
SOC/PKLAppellant Statement of Case
SOC/STARule 6 Party Statement of Case


Other Documents

RefDocument TitleURL
OTH/1Letter from Lichfields to NCC (02 December 2021)
OTH/2Email Exchange between PINS, Council and the Appellant (Re:Calling of Mr Lowson as an Expert Witness to the Inquiry)
OTH/3Design & Access Statement 2016/1416/01/DET
INQ1INQ1- Viewpoint 7 Photomontages…
INQ2INQ2- Appellant Opening Submissions…
INQ3INQ3 – Council Opening Submissions…
INQ4INQ4 – SAQML Opening Submissions…
INQ5INQ5 – Northumberland and Newcastle Society Written Transcript and Copy of Representation (dated 21 Feb 2022)…
INQ6INQ6 – Design SOCG…
INQ7INQ7 – Heritage SOCG…
INQ8INQ8 – Farrell Instructions to Modelmaker re Hotel Elevations and Levels 1991…
INQ9INQ9 – Patterns of Experience: A Character Assessment of Newcastle upon Tyne Central Conservation Area June 1996…
INQ10INQ10 – Conservation Comments to original application.…
INQ11INQ11 – Title Plan of St Ann’s Stairs…
INQ12INQ12 – Copy of Dr Littlefair EiC Presentation 
INQ13INQ13 – Dr Littlefair Corrections List…
INQ14INQ14 – Tall Buildings: Historic England Advice Note 4 (Second Edition) March 2022
INQ15INQ15 – Press Release – Vision for building beautiful places 20 July 2021
INQ16INQ16 – Newcastle Housing and Economic Assessment 2021 (February 2022)…
INQ17INQ17 – Smith Marston Report – 3 December 2020…
INQ18INQ18 – CIL Compliance Statement Final – 8 March 2022…
INQ19INQ19 – Housing Land Supply Position Statement (signed 9 March 2022)…
INQ20INQ20 – Mr Pedley Note…
INQ21INQ21 – Mr and Mrs Wardrobe Written Transcript…
INQ22INQ22 – Site Visit Itinerary…
INQ23INQ23 – Agreed Conditions…
INQ24INQ24 – Correspondence from Mr Emms re steps (dated 11th March 2022)…
INQ25Appellant closing comments…
INQ26NCC closing comments…
INQ27St Anne's Quay closing comments…


Redetermined appeal – November 2023

Proofs of Evidence and Statement of Case


NCC/KV/2/15YHLS Proof  17.10.23 Final…
NCC/MS/2/1230927_East Quayside Newcastle FINAL PROOF Mike Stowell…
NCC/KV/2/2Appendix - 5YHLS - Oct 2023…
NCC/CC/2/1Heritage Proof Final Nov 23…
NCC/ST/2/1Plot 12 - 2023 ST Proof - Final…
NCC/ST/2/2ST Appendices Combined…

Other Documents

ROTH1  Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)…
ROTH2The local plan Inspector’s report into the detailed policies local plan (Newcastle upon Tyne Development and Allocations Plan) /sites/default/files/2020-03/Newcastle%20DAP%20Report%20FINAL.pdf
ROTH3Overarching Planning Statement of Common Ground…
ROTH4Heritage Statement of Common Ground…
ROTH5Character, Appearance and Design Statement of Common Ground…
ROTH6Daylight, Sunlight and Overshadowing Statement of Common Ground and Areas of Disagreement…
ROTH7Financial Viability Statement  



PKL/TRL/2/1Daylight Sunlight - Toby Rogan Lyons Proof of Evidence…
PKL/NR/2/1Design - Nick Riley Proof of Evidence…
PKL/NB/2/1Heritage - Nick Bridgland Proof of Evidence…
PKL/HE/2/1Planning - Harvey Emms Proof of Evidence…
PKL/HE/2/2Planning - Appendix 1 - Planning Reference 2002.0921.01.DET Decision Notice and Plans…
PKL/HE/2/3Planning - Appendix 2 - The Inspectors Decision…
PKL/HE/2/4Planning - Appendix 3 - Economic Impact Metholdogy…
PKL/HE/2/5Planning - Appendix 4 - Emerging Quayside Developments Plan…
PKL/HE/2/6Planning - Appendix 5 - Changing Context of the Quayside CGI Booklet…
PKL/HE/2/7Planning - Appendix 6 - Councils Five Year Housing Land Supply Position and Supporting Documentation…
PKL/HE/2/8Planning - Appendix 7 - Appellant and Homes England Letters…
PKL/HE/2/9Planning - Appendix 8 - Supplemental Noise Statement…
PKL/RP/2/1Space Standards - Russell Pedley Proof of Evidence…
PKL/RP/2/2Russell Pedley Updated Appendix 4…

Rule 6 - St Anns Quay and High Quay Residents Witnesses (Rule 6 Party)

R6/MF/2/3Proof of Evidence Maria Ferguson Appendices…
R6/MF/2/1Proof of Evidence Maria Ferguson second inquiry DV3…
 Review of Quayside daylight report…
R6/MF/2/2Summary Proof of Evidence Maria Ferguson revised appeal DV1…



NCC/KV/3/1 KV-Rebuttal-31_10_23…

Nov 2023 Inquiry Documents

2 INQ 01  Written submission of Mrs Gail Slater…
2 INQ 02 Written submission of Mrs Elaine McKeith…
2 INQ 03  Written submission of Northumberland and Newcastle Society  
2 INQ 04 – Opening Submission NCC…
2 INQ 05 – Opening Submission PKL…
2 INQ 06 – Opening submissions on behalf of St. Ann’s Quay Management Limited…
2 INQ 07 – Northumberland and Newcastle Society statement…
2 INQ 08 ‘Map showing Central Conservation Area boundary’…
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