Newcastle Local Plan

Newcastle Local Plan

As central government is keen to bring forward partnership working between Local Planning Authorities and Combined Authorities and building on the success of the Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan, Gateshead and Newcastle Councils will prepare a new joint local plan.

We will work with Gateshead Council to prepare a spatial vision and joint ambitions for consultation in 2025.

Click here for more information on this partnership.

If you would like to be kept informed of future consultation, please contact us at

Our current local plan – The Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan (Part 1) and the Development and Allocations Plan (Part 2) still form Newcastle’s adopted local plan and will remain so until it is replaced by a new local plan. It will take several years to prepare a new local plan.  


What is the Local Plan?

A Local Plan is a collection of documents that will guide future development in Newcastle to 2030. 

Planning for the Future - Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan for Gateshead and Newcastle upon Tyne 2010-2030

The Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan (CSUCP) is a strategic planning framework that will guide development in Newcastle and Gateshead to 2030. It is the first part of both councils Local Plan, containing an overall vision and spatial strategy to deliver economic prosperity and create lifetime neighbourhoods. The Plan covers the whole of the area within the administrative boundaries of Gateshead and Newcastle and includes strategic policies and specific policies for the Urban Core, Sub-Areas and sites.

Adoption of the Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan (CSUCP)

The Plan was formally adopted by Newcastle City Council on 26 March 2015:

CSUCP in smaller sections:

Examination of the Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan

Gateshead and Newcastle councils submitted the Plan to the Secretary of State for examination in February 2014.

The Inspector issued his Final Report in February 2015 and found the Plan “sound”, subject to a small number of changes known as ‘Main Modifications’.

Evidence Documents and Preparation of the CSUCP

Review of the Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan (CSUCP) - 16 March 2020

Local Plans should be reviewed at least every 5 years to check whether they need updating. This is required by the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), paragraph 33.

Newcastle City Council and Gateshead Council have reviewed the CSUCP. The review has assessed a range of factors including the performance of policies in the plan. Both councils have worked with neighbouring authorities and statutory consultees during this review.

The review concludes that there is currently no need to update the CSUCP. The CSUCP continues to deliver the key priorities and aims of both councils.

Development and Allocations Plan 2015-2030 (DAP)

Part 1 of the Local Plan, adopted in March 2015 is called the Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan (CSUCP). The Development and Allocations Plan (DAP) is Part 2 and provides more detailed policies to support our growth ambitions for Newcastle including:

  • Policies which will be used to make decisions on planning applications
  • Allocations of housing and employment sites to support Part 1
  • Designations of retail centre boundaries and sites for environmental protection


The Development and Allocations Plan was formally adopted by Newcastle City Council on 24 June 2020

Examination of the DAP

For further details on the Examination of the DAP please see the DAP Examination page

Evidence Documents

The preparation of the DAP has been informed and supported by a range of evidence documents

Newcastle upon Tyne Policies Map

  • Development and Allocations Plan Policies Map (pdf version)
  • Newcastle upon Tyne Policies Map (Part 1 and Part 2)
  • Interactive Online Map
    • This is a combination of the Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan (CSUCP) and Development and Allocations Plan 2015-2030 (DAP).
    • You can use the option button in the top right hand corner to turn on the Key, and switch layers on or off.
    • You can zoom in and out to get a closer look of the area you're interested in.  Click-and-drag or use the arrow keys to move the move around.
    • You can search an address or place at the top left of the screen, and there is a button to zoom to your current location.
    • The different sites are colour-coded depending on the policy type.  Clicking a site on the map will display a pop-up box with more information on it, and a link to view that section of the document.  Some sites have more than one layer there, you can use the left and right buttons in the pop-up box to go between them.
    • An aerial photography overlay is also available as an option, from the Basemap Gallery in the bottom left.


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If you would like to be informed of future planning policy consultations and have your say, please register your details here.

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